At Marriage & Bliss, the goal of our team of writers is to provide clear and helpful articles on various topics around relationships.

Marriage is a journey, not a destination. When couples step toward married life, they face multiple ups and downs. But a healthy marriage only sticks when couples work together and put in hard work and dedication to overcoming these issues.
At Marriage&Bliss, we discuss these situations, be they significant or subtle, which couples face in a marriage and try to provide answers or ways with helpful resources to overcome them. Our articles cover a wide range of topics from different life stages, understanding, communication, intimacy, finance, and more.
Our articles take you through different stages of marriage and relationships, from the initial proposal to getting married and planning a future together. Each stage for couples has its own fill of joys and sorrows as well as opportunities and challenges.
Therefore we believe in helping couples deal with all kinds of emotions in a marriage and help arrive at the right decision for them through their married journey, which is why our resources and articles are free for all to read. Most of the time, it’s the unit as a couple versus the problem, not individual versus the problem.
Here are some of the popular topics that might interest you:
- Am I Asking For Too Much In My Relationship? (Signs You’re Asking The Wrong Person)
- When To Call It Quits In A Relationship? 15 Signs To Look Out For (And 5 Questions To Ask Yourself)
- What To Say When Giving A Promise Ring? (Promise Ring Vs. Proposal)
- How Many Relationships Before Marriage? (How Much Is Too Much?)
- How Often Should You Visit Your Parents After Marriage? (Deciding Factors & How Necessary Is Spouse Approval?)
We hope our solutions and resources help you achieve some solace from the problem you are facing and strengthen your bond with your partner in the process. We would love to hear about your experiences or how you resolved a matter within your marriage. You can contact us with any questions or feedback you have.

Thank you for visiting our site, and we wish you all the best through your married journey with your partner. Here’s to a happy married life!